OJ Wellness Center

Aiming for 100% treatment effect!
A program to heal back pain that can't be fixed with surgery alone

image of back pain

What is the cause of low back pain that cannot be cured with surgery alone?

In Europe, it is said that there are three main causes of lower back and neck pain.

  1. Caused by “intervertebral discs, bones, and nerves”
  2. Caused by the “brain”
  3. Caused by “muscles and ligaments”

How to identify the three factors (European Method)

  1. For pain caused by "intervertebral discs, bones, and nerves", the cause will be identified by performing an evaluation using images (X-rays, CT, MRI, etc.) and examinations.
  2. For pain caused by the "brain", interviews, evaluation sheets, and sometimes fMRI are used to identify the cause.
  3. For pain caused by "muscles and ligaments", a physical therapist will perform an evaluation to identify the cause.

In Japan, these three types of evaluation are rarely performed to identify the cause of back pain.
Generally speaking, a doctor will check to see if there are any abnormalities in the intervertebral discs, bones, nerves, etc. through a medical interview and images (X-rays, CT, MRI, etc.).

Cause of pain

How to identify pain at OJ Wellness Center

ILC Clinic and OJ Wellness Center incorporate these three evaluations that are conducted in Europe.
In addition, we believe that the three evaluations above are not exhaustive, and we also evaluate a fourth factor, "intestines and constitution".

Lower back pain, performance, intervertebral discs, bones, nerves, intestines and constitution, muscles and ligaments

At ILC and OJ Wellness Center, in order to introduce advanced back pain treatment from overseas, we collaborate with various doctors and medical institutions to conduct training and conferences, and conduct research every day with the aim of achieving 100% back pain treatment effectiveness. At the ILC and OJ Wellness Center, in addition to identifying the three causes of back pain, which is done in Europe, we also incorporate Oriental medicine, Ayurvedic medicine and advanced equipment to support the diagnosis of lower back pain caused by the intestines and constitution, evaluate lower back pain from various perspectives, and provide treatment methods that will eliminate all causes of lower back pain.

What is the treatment for low back pain that cannot be cured by surgery alone?

At ILC and OJ Wellness Center, there are various ways to identify the cause of back pain and treatments, and in addition to our basic program, we will also create a program tailored to each individual paitent's causes. Also, as part of the program, we will hold study sessions to increase knowledge about back pain, such as the causes of back pain and daily lifestyle habits. We think it is especially important for patients to learn why they have lower back pain and how they can live their lives in the future to avoid lower back pain.
In addition, this program is useful not only for lower back pain, but also for prevention of aging and dementia, lifestyle-related diseases including diabetes, improvement of headaches and stiff shoulders, and various chronic diseases. For those patients who require assisted living, some will find that the amount of assistance need will drop. At ILC International Lumbago Clinic, our goal is to help patients regain a better and healthier life through back pain treatment.

ILC International Back Pain Clinic and OJ Wellness Center program diagram

ILC's Comprehensive Low Back Pain Treatments

Diagram of ILC's omnidirectional low back pain treatment

Examples of Treatment

  • Exercise therapy
    Physical Therapy
  • Satis form device
    Satis form
  • Acupuncture situation
    • nonaka enzyme
      Food Therapy
    • Movement training
      Movement Training
  • Image of meditation (mindfulness)
    Meditation (Mindfullness)
  • Ayurveda image
  • Crisis of low temperature sauna
    Low Temp. Sauna
  • Image of medical head massage
    Medical Head Massage
  • Image of cognitive behavioral therapy
    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Illustration of psychoanalytic psychotherapy (schema therapy)
    Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
  • During ozone block injection treatment
    Ozone Block Shots
  • Trigger point treatment equipment using ultrasound echoes
    Treatment on trigger points found by Ultrasound