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Column The Different Symptoms of Spinal Canal Stenosis: If You Have Any of These, It’s a Red Flag!


May 26, 2023

Spinal canal stenosis is a condition in which a narrowing of the nerve pathway occurs within the spine (i.e. the spinal canal).

In this article, we will talk about the different symptoms of lumbar spinal canal stenosis.

Symptoms of spinal canal stenosis divided by type

Spinal canal stenosis can be broadly divided into 3 types: ① cauda equina type, ② foraminal type, and ③ mixed type.

Spinal canal stenosis, cauda equina type

The cluster of nerves that extends from the lower end of the spinal cord downwards passes through the lower spine and reaches up to the top of the sacrum. This cluster of nerves is called the cauda equina because it resembles the tail of a horse.

If the cauda equina is compressed, symptoms such as numbness and dullness in both legs, pain and numbness in the buttocks, and abnormal sensations may occur, and if they worsen, problems with urination and excretion may also appear.

Spinal canal stenosis, foraminal type

If the roots of the nerves that branch off from the cauda equina and exit between the vertebrae are compressed, it is called foraminal stenosis.

The main symptoms are sciatica, numbness, and in some cases paralysis.

Spinal canal stenosis, mixed-type

When the cauda equina type and the foraminal type are both present, it is then referred to as mixed-type spinal canal stenosis. In this case, symptoms of both the cauda equina and foraminal stenosis will be observed.

Characteristics of the Symptoms of Spinal Stenosis

One of the characteristic symptoms of lumbar spinal stenosis is intermittent claudication.

When walking, the patient feels pain or numbness in their legs and becomes unable to walk, but after taking a short rest they feel better and can walk again, only for the pain to return after a while.

The more spinal stenosis becomes severe, the less the amount of time you can walk. If you can no longer walk, the blood circulation in your legs will worsen, causing your legs to swell and feel heavy, and your muscle strength will decrease significantly. If you become bedridden, you will often lose your appetite, which will likely induce malnutrition, which will in turn lead to the progressive destruction of your muscles and bones.

Our hospital uses the Cellgel method to treat spinal stenosis. This is one of the most advanced treatment methods that has been researched and developed in recent years, and it is one of the newest treatment methods backed by solid evidence.

Spinal stenosis occurs when the central component of the intervertebral disc protrudes due to a crack in the disc, narrowing the spinal canal. If the crack in the disc is not repaired, there is a real risk that the herniation will occur again or the spinal canal will narrow again.

With our clinic’s Cellgel Method, a drug is injected and fills the cracked part of the intervertebral disc, and as it turns into a gel, it fills in the cracks, thus providing a fundamental treatment. The volume of the intervertebral disc does not decrease, and after treatment, the drug remains in the intervertebral disc as a gel-like implant, so one of the main feature is that the intervertebral disc is preserved.

The Cellgel Method

Spinal stenosis

If you have been diagnosed with spinal stenosis and you are concerned about it, or if you would prefer to avoid spinal surgery, please consider a consultation at our hospital.

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