Column A Conference Call With an Overseas Doctor Regarding Back Pain Treatment
We recently held a web conference with Dr. Kohlmann, a leading expert in minimally invasive low back pain treatment who is using the Cellgel method in France.
Pictures from the conference: *Dr. Kohlmann is on the left. I am on the right.

Dr. Kohlmann & myself (Dr. Minowa)

We selected some problematic aspects in patients’ concerns and MRI images and discussed where and what kind of treatment would be effective to solve the issues.
Not all patients and not all degenerated discs can be treated with the Cellgel method, and sometimes the Cellgel method could even aggravate the original back pain. We discussed one of the characteristic imaging findings and what patient profiles are not suited for the Cellgel procedure.
After the Conference
The conference went much longer than the scheduled one hour, and we ended up discussing for two hours. It was evening in Japan and morning in France, but in the end, Dr. Kohlmann’s hunger got the best of him, and he had to reluctantly put an end to the conference.
No matter how specialized one is in the treatment of back pain, you can never be completely sure of having the right answer. Sometimes, our judgment can get clouded, we may end up lost in a world that can be daunting to navigate, and from which it can be difficult to find a way out. This is because the pathogenesis and pathologies of low back pain are still not fully understood. That is why we are constantly studying using precious opportunities such as this one.
This time, the conference was with a doctor in France, but we firmly believe that such regular exchanges with practitioners from all over the world to discuss the best treatment for each patient from multiple perspectives will lead to improvements in back pain for a multitude of patients.
Written by Tadaaki Minowa, Clinic Director