Column How Much Strain is the Neck Subjected to on a Daily Basis?
February 17, 2024
The neck is the part of the body that connects the head to the rest of the body. It works to hold the head in place, and it is also the part of the body that moves when the head is moved toward an object to observe its surroundings or to look at something. Thus, the neck has two contradictory characteristics, stability, and mobility, and is thus constantly subjected to strain. Especially with the recent proliferation of smartphones, our lifestyles are changing in a way that increases the strain on the neck, making it extremely important to reduce it as much as possible.

A study conducted to determine how much strain was actually placed on the neck showed that when tilted forward 45 degrees, it is subjected to a strain of approximately 22 kilograms. It is safe to say that most people assume this type of posture when operating a smartphone or any other digital device. Accumulated strain on the neck can lead to a variety of problems such as stiff shoulders, sore eyes, headaches, and a feeling of overall heaviness in the head.
But tilting one’s head to the front is not the only factor that increases the strain on your neck; posture is also an extremely important factor to take into account.

As shown in the diagram above, when the pelvis falls backward or forward and the curve of the spine is disrupted, the position of the head is also affected, resulting in a posture that places extra strain on the neck. To reduce this strain, it is important to pay attention to one’s posture when on a smartphone or other digital devices, and to make conscious efforts to shift from one’s usual posture to the one highlighted in green in the diagram. This awareness will reduce the strain on the neck and lead to a reduction in the incidence of injuries such as cervical herniation and degeneration of the cervical discs that may occur as the body age.
A little bit of vigilance will save you from a great deal of pain later in life, so we strongly encourage you to put this into effect on a daily basis.