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Column How to Sit on a Chair and Back Pain ②


This is a continuation of the last column, which you can check here.
This time we will explain the correct way to sit on a chair.

●Correct way to sit and posture in a chair

Many people misunderstand the correct way to sit on a chair, so we will briefly explain it.

The correct way to sit on a chair
① Feeling relaxed overall.
② It does not mean that you are completely exhausted.
③ Rather than stretching your back muscles, put your weight on your sitting bones and relax.

To put it more simply, a way of sitting that does not put unnecessary force on the upper body is a way of sitting that is comfortable for humans.
Sitting in a way that puts pressure on your upper body increases your risk of lower back pain and stiff shoulders.
In order to avoid straining your upper body, it is important to sit with your sitting bones in place.
”Sit bones” are the bones that hit the seat surface first when sitting on a chair.
If you put your weight behind your sit bones, you will tend to slouch and increase your risk of lower back pain.
Therefore, when sitting in a chair, it is important to imagine putting the weight of your upper body on your sitting bones and not putting pressure on your upper body.
If you are having a hard time understanding it, if you put your hand under your butt, you will probably see a protruding bone.
That would be the sit bones. I think it will be easier to understand if you put your upper body weight on this part.
One way is to keep your hands under your buttocks and move your pelvis to find the part where your weight is most on your sit bones. Try it and observe how much weight you are putting on this part of your body.

[Things you should take note of]
① Good posture does not necessarily mean standing with your chest out and your back straight.
② It is important to be conscious of a natural sitting position that does not put pressure on your upper body.

Please take care of the above and be conscious of it.
At first, some people may find it difficult to put their weight on their sitting bones, but if you put your mind to it, you will be able to do it.
Although it doesn’t look like this in photos, many people feel that their posture is a bit sloppy.
Therefore, even if you are able to put your weight on your sitting bones, many people tend to arch their lower back a little over time as they try to maintain good posture naturally.
It is important to be conscious of sitting so that you are not warping or curling up too much.