Column PODD (Ozone) for Cervical Spine (Neck): Training Conducted at our Clinic by an Italian Doctor.
We recently invited Dr. Cirillo from the National Hospital of Bellaria, Italy, to our clinic to receive training for the ozone therapy from him.
First, he gave us a lecture on ozone therapy and on his methodology.

The route for the needle is ascertained through the use of a phantom (or dummy device).

We reviewed the treatment flow and techniques involved on monitoring patients.
A needle is being inserted into the cervical spine.

The needle is slowly inserted while confirming its position from two directions (front and side views) on the fluoroscopic images.
Once the needle is inserted into the intervertebral disc, ozone is administered, and the procedure is then complete.
In this present case, the treatment took about 5 to 10 minutes per vertebra.

Since ozone is a gas, it generally cannot be seen with fluoroscopy.
The image below shows how ozone is injected by intramuscular injection into one of the clinic’s staff for comparison.
The left image shows the outlook before the injection while the right image was taken right after the injection. The slightly white area highlighted in red is the ozone.

This ozone training was conducted over a two-day period.
We will continue to devote ourselves to providing better medical care to our patients.

Reservations for the Cellgel procedure on the cervical spine
We are currently preparing for the implementation of the Cellgel procedure for the cervical spine, which is scheduled to debut early summer.
We have already started accepting reservations, so please call us or fill out our contact form to make an appointment.
Phone number: 090-4202-1624.
Inquiry form:
We have also added new pages on the cervical spine, so please refer to the following pages:
■Cervical disc herniation