There are different types of disc herniation.
Protrusion: The nucleus pulposus does not project from the annulus fibrosus because there are only few cracks in the annulus fibrosus, but the nucleus pulposus retreats posteriorly and compresses part of the nerve.
Extrusion: The disc is damaged, the annulus fibrosus cracks, and the nucleus pulposus breaks through the annulus fibrosus and directly compresses the nerve.
A herniated disc is a disease in which the cartilage tissue called the intervertebral disc, which acts as a cushion between the spine, becomes deformed due to aging or various other factors, and part of the disc protrudes. The main symptoms are pain in the lower back, buttocks, and numbness in the legs.
In our clinic, we use the Cellgel method, in which we inject a drug into the intervertebral disc with a 0.8 mm needle without using a scalpel. As a result the volume of the disc does not decrease, the disc is repaired, and the drug itself acts as a cushion (buffer material) and remains as an implant.
In addition, by repairing the disc and preventing leakage of the nucleus pulposus, it is believed that the disc itself will recover its original normal function through its own regenerative ability, and the effect of restoring the original normal function can be expected.

Written by Tadaaki Minowa, Clinic Director