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Column What is Myofascial Back Pain?


Myofascial back pain is a condition in which the muscles and fascia supporting the lower back and back become inflamed and painful. Myofascial back pain is caused by sudden or chronic strain on the muscles and fascia of the lower back.

Most cases of myofascial low back pain do not show abnormal findings on X-rays or CT, but in acute cases, MRI may show findings of muscle damage.

Pain often occurs with the following movements:

  • Carrying heavy objects
  • Changing posture after prolonged sitting or standing
  • Work in a middle or lower back posture
  • Sports that require a lot of twisting movements, such as golf.

Lifestyle habits are greatly involved in these conditions and can be cured with conservative therapy, but if the bad posture and movements that caused the symptoms are not thoroughly corrected, the same symptoms can easily become habitual and cause further pain. Repeated recovery and recurrence of symptoms puts a burden on the intervertebral discs, vertebral bodies (backbone), and ligaments that support them, and if they develop repeatedly, they will develop the following diseases.

(1) Deflation of the intervertebral disc → Protrusion/injury → Intervertebral disc degeneration/Herniation of lumbar intervertebral disc

(2) Wear and tear of the disc and ligaments → great strain on the surrounding tissues such as the vertebrae and joints → development of intervertebral joint disorder

If you have any of these symptoms or movements in mind, we recommend that you have a checkup without putting it off.

ILC International Lumbago Clinic Tokyo