Column Treatment Case Study No. 1 | International Lumbago Clinic Tokyo Blog
The patient
A male patient in his 30s.
Presenting Symptoms
- His back pain started one year ago.
- Lower back pain worsens with prolonged sitting.
- On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the least pain and 10 being the greatest pain), his lower back is 7, hips are 5, lower limbs are 6, and numbness is 1.
- Walking is not a problem, but prolonged sitting is very difficult. He also has difficulty turning over, washing his face, sitting in the middle of the bed, and even lifting heavy objects.
MRI Imaging & Diagnostic

- In L4/5, the intervertebral disc is darker in color than the other discs, indicating disc degeneration.
- Tenderness was observed at the L4/5 left intervertebral joint at the time of examination.
The Cellgel procedure was performed on L4/5.

The DiscoGel is visible in the blackened area under fluoroscopy.
When injected, it is in a liquid state, but after that it turns into an implant, repairing the disc.
It is injected slowly, allowing the DiscoGel to penetrate and permeate the cracks in the disc.
Pain is minimized by the slow injection rate.
Treatments at our Clinic
Please refer to the following links for more information on the Cellgel method.
Written by Tadaaki Minowa, Clinic Director